
The Impact of Ebola Virus Disease on Village Savings and Loans Associations Montserrado, Margibi, Bong and Lofa Counties

Recommendations for interventions to revive income generating activities

The outbreak and subsequent spread of the ebola virus disease had catastrophic effects on the income generating capacities of Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLA) members throughout Liberia. The impacts were multidimensional and intense and have occasioned persistent decline in the service delivery of VSLAs in regard to their financial, economic, and social responsibilities.

In many respects VSLAs have demonstrated resilience during the period of the EVD crisis as each group has remained relevant in their respective communities. The temporary loss of income generating activities and subsequent loss of income did not break their spirit and will to succeed FAO Liberia should therefore capitalize on this opportunity and provide support that will be mutually reinforcing. The following interventions are therefore recommended:

  • A rapid impact Ebola Virus Disease awareness through village based women associations.
  • Improve access to food and commodities through conditional cash transfers.
  • Revitalization of savings and loans schemes of women associations.
  • Increase food and seed production during the dry season in lowlands.
  • Improve agro-processing at community level to facilitate added value for producers.
  • Encourage poultry and small livestock production to limit risk of bush meat consumption.

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