
Gender-Intelligent Fintech Design: How Fintechs Can Capture the Female Economy

By increasing their female customer conversion rates to levels equal to male conversion rates across the sales funnel, estimates from the Financial Alliance for Women show that fintechs could see a 70 percent increase in revenues. But for the most part, this potential is being left on the table as many fintechs overlook the vast potential of the women’s market.

Understanding and systematically addressing barriers women face across all phases of the sales funnel can unlock significant revenue gains. To help them access this opportunity, the Financial Alliance for Women interviewed fintechs, investors, and experts from around the world. This report codifies their insights. It quantifies the opportunity and shares guidance on how fintechs across the verticals are attracting and retaining more women customers, reducing customer acquisition costs, and boosting revenues by weaving gender-intelligent design into every stage of the sales funnel.

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