Showing 1 - 4 of 4

COVID-19: Crisis as Opportunity for Urban Cash Transfers?

Based on a literature review and case studies of various urban cash transfer schemes in response to the COVID-19 crisis, this paper explores the successes and challenges of implementing cash transfers in urban settings in response to a large, covariate shock.


Evidence Review of Women's Groups and COVID-19: Impacts, Challenges, and Policy Implications for Savings Groups in Africa

This brief presents emerging evidence from studies in diverse African contexts on how COVID-19 has affected savings groups and how these groups have helped mitigate the pandemic’s negative consequences in sub-Saharan Africa.


On the Economic Frontlines of COVID-19: Early Insights From MSMEs Grappling With the Crisis

Findings based on a longitudinal survey in Colombia, India, Indonesia, and Nigeria


Preserving Liquidity: Policymaker Responses to COVID-19 and the Impact on Low-Income Customers

Initial lessons learned and suggestions for dealing with the current and future crises