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FinDev Blog

Microfinance in Gaza Will Play a Crucial Role in the Post-Conflict Economic Recovery

When the war ends in the Gaza Strip, the support of the international community will be key to help Gazans recover.
FinDev Blog

Growing Climate Risk in Africa: How Can Financial Inclusion Help?

Advans Ghana shares three steps FSPs should take to support the small businesses and farmers who are increasingly impacted by extreme climate events.
FinDev Blog

Humanitarian Aid Meets Fintech

Providing humanitarian aid in emergency situations is fraught with risks and challenges. Here are four ways fintech innovations are helping aid agencies streamline delivery and manage risks.
FinDev Interview

In Times of Crisis, Who Holds the Lifeline for Microfinance Institutions and Their Clients?

Youssef Fawaz of the Lebanese MFI Al Majmoua, shares the difficult reality of trying to keep an established institution running while the economy collapses around it.
FinDev Blog

Wartime Wheat: Supporting Farmers and Food Security in Ukraine

Affordable financing is critical for Ukrainian agribusinesses as they support their fellow farmers and soldiers on the front lines.
FinDev Blog

How Can We Help Agricultural SMEs Respond to the Food Crisis?

These turbulent times of pandemic, climate change and war require action from the financial inclusion community to ensure growth and sustainability for agri-preneurs.
FinDev Blog

From Humanitarian Assistance to Economic Resilience in Yemen

CARE shares results and lessons from adapting their Village Savings & Loan Association (VSLA) model to crisis settings to help extend access to financial services to some of the most underserved communities in the world.
FinDev Blog

In Ukraine, Credit Unions Are Key to a Sustainable Economic Recovery

But the sector is at risk due to the Russian invasion and in need of support from the international community.
FinDev Interview

One Year On: What a Year of Surveys Tell Us About COVID-19 and Microfinance

2020 was a historic year that demonstrated the resilience of the microfinance sector. Maxime Borgogno of Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation shares why most MFIs they surveyed remain optimistic about the future.
FinDev Blog

Creating a Resilient New Normal for Savings Groups

World Vision shares how they are working to support community-level financial institutions and promote grassroots-level transformation of the financial system