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FinDev Blog

Banking in the Comfort Zone

By providing a familiar environment for small transactions, agency banking can foster good financial habits.
FinDev Blog

Sweeter Prospects for Cocoa Farmers

Cocoa is one of the world’s most prized foods, but the smallholder farmers in Cote d’Ivoire who produce it live in extreme poverty. Formal land ownership can improve their financial outlook.
FinDev Blog

Financial Health as a Consumer Journey

The deep value of a financial health framework is to enable financial service providers and regulators to step into customers' shoes and design products and policies that accompany and support them on their pathway to financial well-being.
FinDev Blog

How Do Digital Remittances Contribute to Women’s Financial Health?

Results from a UNCDF survey make clear the need for more gender-smart and migrant-centric remittance products.
FinDev Blog

How Do Savings Contribute to Financial Health?

A meta-review leads to two mental shifts in approaches to savings research.
FinDev Blog

Shifting Perspectives: From Financial Inclusion to Financial Health of Forcibly Displaced Persons (FDPs)

Three years since the Global Compact on Refugees, financial health remains elusive for most refugees. New research puts forth a financial health framework for measuring progress against the challenges refugees face.
FinDev Blog

Financial Health and Consumer Protection: Two Frameworks Converging

What do these distinct yet overlapping frameworks have in common and how do they affect each other?
FinDev Blog

Financial Health: The Opportunity for Financial Service Providers

If FSPs prioritize the financial health of their customers, they will not only increase customer loyalty, but they will build a more robust client base that will lead to longer term sustainability for their businesses.
FinDev Blog

How Do We Measure Financial Health?

In the third post of our blog series on financial health, we explore how capturing the essence of this multi-dimensional concept takes us beyond standard measures of financial access or income.
FinDev Blog

Four Ways Financial Sector Policymakers Can Promote Financial Health

In the second post in our blog series on financial health, we explore what policymakers can do to ensure that the financial sector works to support people’s financial wellbeing.