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FinDev Blog

What Happened When We Trained 70,000 Women on Financial Literacy

Early results from a BRAC International pilot show how financial literacy training can enhance the impact of financial inclusion.
FinDev Blog

How to Design Client-Centric Financial Solutions for Women Smallholders

BRAC International Microfinance shares five lessons from their experience designing and testing tailor-made agri-credit solutions in Rwanda, Liberia and Sierra Leone.
FinDev Blog

A Win for Women in Rwanda

Mobile money – and concerted efforts by government and mobile money operators to promote it - has helped reduce the financial inclusion gender gap. But more needs to be done.
FinDev Blog

Sharing the Risk: “Micro Equity” for Savings Groups

DreamStart Labs is re-thinking assumptions about how to design solutions for people in emerging economies, starting with a new product which aims to distribute risks more fairly.
FinDev Blog

What Do Microfinance Clients Need to Adapt to Climate Change?

In the first post of the FinDev Blog Series on Climate Change and Financial Inclusion, we explore insights from Rwandan smallholder farmers on building climate resilience through microfinance.
FinDev Blog

Financial Inclusion Via Sea Cable

Greater connectivity has the potential to advance digital finance in the Pacific islands, but governments and development partners will need to provide significant support.
FinDev Blog

Financial Inclusion in Paradise

There are currently no Pacific Island Countries included in the Global Findex Database. So how does the Pacific stack up to the Global Findex?