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FinDev Blog

Will the Pandemic Exacerbate or Mitigate the Digital Gender Gap?

COVID-19’s disproportionate impact on women must be urgently addressed through the provision of digital financial literacy and access.
FinDev Blog

Can Cash Transfers to Digital Wallets Be a Lifeline During the Pandemic?

BRAC's experience in Bangladesh shows how digital wallets can act as a tool to include low-income households, especially women, in the financial system.
FinDev Blog

A Is for Agriculture

The A-Card is a new business model helping smallholders in Bangladesh gain access to finance through a digitized four-way linkage between farmers, banks, MFIs and agricultural input retailers. CARE shares how it works and their lessons learned. 
FinDev Blog

How Can We Improve Education with DFS+?

Proposing digital payment solutions to help keep teachers in classrooms in Niger
FinDev Blog

Discovering the Promise of Social Franchising

What if the franchise was turned into a tool to solve developing world problems?