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FinDev Blog

Can Smartphone-Supported Behavioral Biometrics Advance Digital Financial Inclusion?

Behavioral biometrics, an emerging technology which uses AI and machine learning to examine behavioral patterns to authenticate users, presents the financial inclusion sector with exciting opportunities as well as challenges.
FinDev Blog

Four Major Challenges Faced by Mobile Money Users in Senegal

As access to digital finance grows, so do the risks. A concrete action plan involving all stakeholders is needed to address them.
FinDev Blog

A Fair Digital Finance Market Failure: What a Recent Consumer Protection Index Reveals

The fair digital finance index measures the consumer experience of digital financial services and has found that, while stark global differences do exist, consumer protection needs remain unmet across the board.
FinDev Guide

Guide to Financial Consumer Protection in the Digital Era

Consumer risks are increasing with the growth of digital finance. The resources in this FinDev Guide share good practices, solutions and tools to ensure that consumers achieve positive outcomes in their financial journey.  
FinDev Interview

Why We Need a Responsible Digital Finance Ecosystem

Eric Duflos of CGAP discusses recent findings on consumer risks and how to address them.
FinDev Blog

Innovation vs. Consumer Protection: Striking the Right Regulatory Balance

Five principles and five key actions to help build trust and confidence in Kenya’s digital finance ecosystem 
FinDev Blog

Consumer Protection in a Digital Age

The Smart Campaign's new standards and guidance for digital finance mark a profound shift for the sector - from a previous focus on staff behavior towards clients, to the increasing importance of product design and delivery, as well as data protection.
FinDev Blog

Being Smart About Mobile Money

A case study with two financial service providers in Burkina Faso explores seven risks involved in bringing savings groups into digital finance.