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FinDev Blog

Freedom on Wheels – A Ride to Economic Empowerment

How motorcycle loans could help women banking agents in India bring financial inclusion to remote and vulnerable populations.
FinDev Blog

Will the Pandemic Exacerbate or Mitigate the Digital Gender Gap?

COVID-19’s disproportionate impact on women must be urgently addressed through the provision of digital financial literacy and access.
FinDev Blog

Can Cash Transfers to Digital Wallets Be a Lifeline During the Pandemic?

BRAC's experience in Bangladesh shows how digital wallets can act as a tool to include low-income households, especially women, in the financial system.
FinDev Blog

Can Lenders Also Sell Insurance and Investment Products?

How to ensure the sale of appropriate non-credit products to microcredit customers
FinDev Blog

Who Bears the Risk in Fintech?

The excitement around fintech in India is palpable. Many see it as a market-led solution to the policy objective of financial inclusion. Fintech regulation must therefore be designed carefully to prevent and mitigate risks while also preserving the potential for financial inclusion. 
FinDev Blog

A New Financial Syntax for Illiterate and Low-literate People

Digital solutions that work well for literate people often fail to support inclusion among the estimated one billion adults worldwide who cannot read or write. My Oral Village is building on oral approaches to money management to broaden digital financial inclusion in Pakistan.
FinDev Blog

The Gender Gap is Wide. Which FinTechs Are Working to Narrow It?

A new Female-Focused Fintech Prize aims to connect and bring attention to fintech products working for women.
FinDev Blog

Want to Stay in Business? Keep Your Loan Officers Happy

Loan officers are in a critical position to influence clients’ experience with an MFI. Yet they are often under intense pressure to meet targets. Here are six steps for improving working conditions for microfinance field staff.
FinDev Blog

A Is for Agriculture

The A-Card is a new business model helping smallholders in Bangladesh gain access to finance through a digitized four-way linkage between farmers, banks, MFIs and agricultural input retailers. CARE shares how it works and their lessons learned. 
FinDev Blog

Three Steps for Closing India’s Gender Gap in Digital Financial Services

Grameen Foundation India shares how they are working on the first step of improving women’s digital financial literacy.