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FinDev Blog

On the Way to Reducing the Gender Gap in Latin America

What National Financial Inclusion Strategies have accomplished so far in the region, and what more needs to be done
FinDev Blog

Women's Financial Inclusion: The Smart Thing To Do

To pick up the pace of change, we need more pragmatic actions from all stakeholders. This blog post shares key takeaways from two recent events by FinEquity and Women's World Banking.
FinDev Blog

Can Financial Inclusion Help Reverse Women’s Inequality in Jordan?

Women’s entrepreneurship is on the rise globally, though it still lags behind men’s in most countries. The challenge is how to get female businesses out of a survivalist mode and onto a pathway of growth. 
FinDev Blog

What Would People Say?

Women entrepreneurs or those taking on a new career path in Turkey often hear this phrase from society, discouraging them from taking on less traditional roles. But now organizations in the country are working to unpack and overcome the insidious effects of gender-based social norms on women’s financial health.
FinDev Blog

Can You Use Digital Finance If You Can’t Read?

Access to a mobile phone is not enough. The BOMA Project works to overcome illiteracy and innumeracy to bring digital financial services to women living in extreme poverty in sub-Saharan Africa.
FinDev Blog

Digitize, Direct, Design (D3): Can These Three Principles Help Close the Gender Gap?

To realize the potential gains of financial inclusion, more intentional efforts are needed to close persistent gender gaps. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has developed three core principles for advancing women’s financial inclusion and economic empowerment.
FinDev Blog

The Gender Gap is Wide. Which FinTechs Are Working to Narrow It?

A new Female-Focused Fintech Prize aims to connect and bring attention to fintech products working for women.
FinDev Blog

Two Steps Behind: Social Inequality Poses a Challenge for Women’s Financial Inclusion in DR Congo

A recent FINCA survey of clients in DR Congo shows that women entrepreneurs are confined to the smallest, least profitable businesses. Getting a realistic picture of the obstacles women face helps prepare us for the task ahead of shifting the ground in women’s favor.
FinDev Blog

First, Do No Harm

As the microfinance sector has matured, client protection principles have been introduced around issues such as interest rates and product transparency, fair pricing and appropriate product design. But where do gender-based risks fit into these principles?
FinDev Blog

How To Transform Gendered Norms

We can’t achieve women’s financial inclusion without considering harmful social norms and trying to change them.