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FinDev Blog

Bringing Agent Banking to Rural Women’s Self-Help Groups in India

While the spread of agent networks throughout rural India has helped bring banking to many people’s doorsteps, this type of service was inaccessible for informal groups until the recent spread of a new technical solution called Dual Authentication.
FinDev Blog

Agent Gender Matters, but How to Recruit and Retain Women Agents?

This blog post shares four strategies to help FSPs overcome the obstacles they face in onboarding female agents and create an environment that encourages women to join and thrive as agents.
FinDev Blog

Agent Gender Matters… for Customers

The second blog in this two-part series on agent gender looks at evidence on the effectiveness of women agents in cash-in cash-out (CICO) networks for women's financial inclusion.
FinDev Blog

Agent Gender Matters

While there is growing evidence of a positive relationship between cash-in cash-out (CICO) network quality and gender inclusiveness, there is still an ongoing debate about whether the gender of the agent matters for business performance and for women’s financial inclusion.
FinDev Blog

Four Ways to Design Agent Networks That Work for Women

Innovations around agent networks present an opportunity to significantly improve women’s experiences and help build their confidence and access to digital financial services.
FinDev Blog

Freedom on Wheels – A Ride to Economic Empowerment

How motorcycle loans could help women banking agents in India bring financial inclusion to remote and vulnerable populations.