Case Study

Impact Assessment of GDCP Microfinance Services on Livelihood in the Savelugu/Nantong District of Northern Region, Ghana

Discussing the impact of microfinance on poverty alleviation and wealth creation

This case study investigates the impact of the Ghanaian-Danish Community Development Program (GCDP) on the socio-economic livelihood of beneficiaries in the Savelugu/Nantong district of Ghana. The research is based on primary and secondary data. Primary data was sourced from microcredit beneficiaries through a field survey. Secondary data was obtained from the Ghana Statistical Service and GDCP reports. The study used the control group approach to assess the impact of microcredit. It also classified the likely impacts on clients of microfinance services as financial and non-financial. The financial impact of microfinance services includes increase in client productivity, output, incomes, and asset ownership and helps clients accumulate savings. The non-financial impact includes knowledge and skills training and women empowerment. The paper covers the following sections in detail:

  • Research methodology with a focus on sampling and data sources;
  • Discussion on research hypotheses;
  • Impact on productivity, income, and asset ownership;
  • Impact on food security;
  • Gender based impact assessment;
  • Impact on health and education status;
  • Impact on client savings;
  • Conclusion and limitations of the study.

About this Publication

By Abdulai, A.M., Alhassan, B.A.