Tools Clinic: Using Financial Diaries to Develop Products for Women

This Tools Clinic was the next in a series on Gender Data and Analysis. It built on earlier FinEquity workshops - Using Financial Diaries to Analyze the Women's Market (April 2023) and Understanding the Women's Market Through Gender Data and Analysis (December 2022) - and the FinEquity Gender Data and Analysis Knowledge Guide.
During the April Tools Workshop, MicroSave Consulting (MSC) and L-IFT presented their approach to financial diaries research, what they learned, the challenges faced, and most importantly, how they used these insights. In small groups, participants had a chance to discuss the research conducted by MSC and L-IFT in more detail, as well as to hear about FINBIT, a technology to support financial diaries research.
This Tools Clinic for financial service providers (FSPs) went a step further to examine how FSPs can use financial diaries research to design and improve product offerings. L-IFT facilitators walked through case studies from Nigeria (LAPO) and Myanmar (BRAC), demonstrated how to interpret data from financial diaries, and discussed how it was used to develop products for the women’s market. Participants learned how FINBIT supports financial diaries research by collecting and analyzing financial and livelihood data. The clinic also discussed data ownership, challenges that FSPs may have in collecting and analyzing data, as well as why some products do not come to fruition.
Note: This practical clinic was limited to a small number of FSPs in order to have more interaction with the facilitators.
About this event

Haimanot Yibeltal
Haimanot Tiruneh is a technology manager with a passion for creating practical solutions. With a background in mathematics and physics during his undergraduate studies, he brings a strong foundation in analytical thinking and problem-solving to his work. Haimanot has played a pivotal role in developing and delivering FINBIT, a multi-purpose financial monitoring system. Haimanot is currently pursuing a part-time Master's degree in Analytics at Georgia Institute of Technology which is helping further refine FINBIT.

Frehiwot Sinishaw
Frehiwot Sinishaw has a master’s degree in public international law. She has 6+ years’ work experience with L-IFT. She is responsible for recruitment, coaching and monitoring field researchers and supervisors. She assists in giving training to field researchers, report writing, proposal writing and data processing. She contributes to communication including assisting in social media and website activities, in addition to document organization and facilitation of conferences and meetings.

John Kamau
John Kamau has over 6 years of experience in data, diaries research and machine learning. He has a degree in Economics and is finalizing a Master's degree in data analytics. He is proficient in Python and R and has worked with visualization technologies like tableau and Dash. He has worked with startups in the financial space building credit scoring systems and is currently the data lead at L-IFT.

Mhlalisi Ncube
Mhlalisi Ncube is Programme Manager at L-IFT BV responsible for its activities in Southern Africa from his base in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. His focus is on enabling people to self-report their financial diaries and themselves benefit from the reported data. He manages the IMBE work with 2000 ECD preschool entrepreneurs self-reporting in FINBIT, the Corner Shop project across 11 countries, and recently started FINBIT work with Africa Foundation’s hustler programme. Mhlalisi studied Sociology and Anthropology at Manhattanville College in New York.

Theresa Thin
Theresa Thin is L-IFT’s Programme Officer in Myanmar. She is responsible for recruitment, training, coaching and supervising the field supervisors and promoters/data volunteers for the different L-IFT Myanmar projects. She liaises with the clients on logistics and is an expert in working with the different software tools (including the FINBIT App) that L-IFT uses. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from Dagon University and a Diploma in Business Management from De La Salle of St. Benedict College.

Dorcas Thorpe
Dorcas Thorpe is a Digital Financial Service expert with over 9 years of experience in the Microfinance sub-sector in Nigeria. Her work with the leading Microfinance Bank in Sub-Saharan Africa - LAPO Microfinance Bank - birthed the Alternative Delivery Channels Group focused on developing electronic channels for product and service delivery to clients. She currently leads the Corporate Planning team at LAPO MfB with a focus on creating winning strategies for continuous impact and sustainability empowered by digitization.

Md. Sazaduzzaman
Md. Sazaduzzaman is the Managing Director and Acting Country Representative of BRAC Myanmar. He is currently driving the BRAC Microfinance company and NGO operations in Myanmar with a focus on managing business with a double bottom line of financial and social outcomes. In his past 15 years of financial and social development experience in multiple countries, his greatest professional beliefs are ‘Adaptive Leadership’ and ‘Impact on Scale’.

Jenny Morgan
Jenny Morgan is FinEquity's Impact Pathways Thematic Lead. She has over 15 years of experience in inclusive financial growth, entrepreneurship and small business development, women’s economic empowerment, and resilience.