
Extending Formal Insurance to the Informal Economy Workers in India

Microinsurance as one of the strategies of extending protection to low-income people
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This paper examines the developments taking place in the field of micro insurance in India, and suggests ways of promoting insurance among the poor. In particular, it examines:

  • Why is flexibility in premium collection essential for the success of microinsurance?
  • Why embedding micro insurance into microfinance, which is gaining momentum in the country, makes good sense?
  • What are the policy issues that revolve around extending economic security to the workers?

The paper deals with the following issues:

  • The factors leading to the development of micro-insurance in India;
  • The institutional innovation that is making sale of insurance to low-income people possible;
  • The developments on the supply and demand side of micro insurance.

The authors present some of the activities being undertaken in the country to reach informal economy workers:

  • A policy induced intervention for all formal insurance providers to service the low-income and disadvantaged segments of the society;
  • Introduction by formal insurance providers of a range of products for the informal economy workers and their families;
  • At the institutional level, the active role of numerous civil society associations/organizations in extending the reach of insurance products designed for the low-income people.

Finally, the paper concludes with certain recommendations for the future:

  • A significant percentage of informal economy workers can be insured by the insurance companies;
  • Given the benefits of linking micro-insurance with microcredit, there may be a case of subsidizing insurance premium for people who take loan;
  • Micro-insurance should, at best, be considered only one of the strategies of extending protection to the people, there ought to be a multi-pronged approach.

About this Publication

By Ahuja, R., Guha-Khasnobis, B.