Case Study

Women's Empowerment through SHG Revolution in Orissa - An Analysis through Case Studies

The role of self help groups in livelihood promotion and technical skill enhancement
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This paper highlights the strength of self help groups (SHGs) as its ability to unite growth and poverty agendas. SHGs facilitate livelihood promotion as well as livelihood protection.The paper elaborates on the innovativeness of SHGs through a case study using qualitative and quantitative research tools. It discusses the case study based on the following points:

  • Policy and decisions related to group functioning;
  • Formation of associations to fight against poverty and indebtedness;
  • Bank linkages in the form of:
    • Bank accounts,
    • Regular monthly savings,
    • Withdrawals in time of need,
    • Start-up capital in the form of revolving fund;
  • Building linkages with other agencies to increase training and capacity development skills;
  • Adoption of alternative livelihood options and upscaling asset base through income generation;
  • Improved standards of living of SHG members.

The author concludes by emphasizing on the positive impact SHG has made on financial accessibility and livelihood promotion, along with income generating skill trainings and exposure visits.

About this Publication

By Panda, D.