Displaying 1 - 10 of 438

E-Payments As a Pathway to Growth: Empowering the West Bank and Gaza Through Digital Inclusion

The World Bank and United Nations Interim Damage Assessment updated July 2024 figures estimate $14.2 million in damages to the financial sector in Gaza between October and the end of January 2024.


State of the Inclusive Instant Payment Systems in Africa

This report aims to inform payment actors in Africa and beyond about the developments in the instant retail payment system ecosystem on the continent.


Key Considerations for Open Finance

Open finance frameworks have the potential to increase innovation, boost competition, empower customers, and deepen financial inclusion. However, they also introduce new risks that necessitate careful design and robust safeguards. As more countries explore or implement these frameworks, this research offer key considerations for designing effective and inclusive open finance frameworks.


Guidelines: Expanding Financial Inclusion to Women in Mexico

This document aims to guide financial institutions toward the intentional inclusion of women through concrete actions to adapt their product offering and make the necessary organizational and cultural changes.


Can Public Credit Schemes Improve Access to Finance for Small Businesses?

This paper studies how subsidized credit and partial credit guarantees shape access to finance for micro and small businesses in Indonesia. 


Boosting SME Finance for Growth

This report offers strategic and actionable guidance to policymakers in strengthening their access to finance policies for small and medium enterprises (SMEs).


Afghanistan: World Bank, ARTF Support Access to Finance for Small Businesses, Women’s Economic Inclusion with $16M Grant

The grant will support the Empowering Microfinance and Enterprises for Resilience and Growth (EMERGe) Project and will be provided directly to the Aga Khan Foundation USA.

Case Study

From Collateral to Cashflow: Expanding Access to Finance for Nigeria’s Female Business Owners

This research examines how two commercial banks are developing innovative credit solutions to expand access to finance for women entrepreneurs.


Advancing the Modernization and Integration of Payment Systems in the Western Balkans

With support from the World Bank, the Western Balkan economies are making significant progress in aligning their national payment systems with EU standards as part of their accession goals.


Digital Cash Transfers for Emergency Response: Lessons From Cameroon

This research shares findings from an evaluation in 2021 documenting lessons learned from digital government-to-people (G2P) payments to eighty thousand beneficiaries, mostly women, in Cameroon.