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Showing 21 - 30 of 34

COVID Crisis Highlights Urgent Need for Inclusive Insurance

The pandemic highlights the crucial role of insurance as a safety net when people lose their jobs or are unable to get to work, when bread-winners get sick or die, or when small businesses are forced to shut.


Microinsurance Cover Needed for India's Poor to Prevent COVID-19 Economic Debacle

The events that have unfolded have brought to the fore the need to provide some sort of a social security net for millions of toiling masses. 


New SCBF Project: First-Of-Its-Kind Digital Tele-Medicine and COVID-19 Insurance Product in Nepal

​​​​​​In response to COVID-19, the new SCBF product upscaling project supports a local insurtech company to implement a first-of-its-kind e-health value added service product with two core features: e-health tele-consultation bundled with COVID-19 insurance.


Bangladesh: COVID-19 and the Coming Microinsurance Revolution

COVID-19 has brought to the forefront the potential for microinsurance in the Bangladesh market, where over 30 percent live below the national poverty line and insurance penetration is extremely low.