All News and Announcements

Showing 1 - 10 of 13

Catalyst for “Transformative Change”: Female Entrepreneurship Fund Launched

The Female Entrepreneurship Fund is a specialized investment vehicle that channels resources from institutional investors to support women entrepreneurs in the Central American Integration System (Sica) region.


USAID Launches Rural Financial Inclusion Program in Guatemala

As part of the program, USAID will provide an initial investment of over $6 million to launch a Feed the Future rural financial inclusion program in Guatemala.


Breaking the Cycle of Generational Poverty in Guatemala Through Microfinance

According to a recent report U.S.-based Friendship Bridge shows clear evidence of achieving its aim of breaking the cycle of generational poverty among rural families in Guatemala.


Paymentology and Mastercard Join Forces to Foster Financial Inclusions in Northern Central America

Paymentology, the leading global issuer-processor, today announces an expanded partnership with Mastercard to bolster financial inclusion across Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador.


TransUnion, Monevo and Incuto Collaborate on Credit Access for Community Banks

This joint initiative helps credit unions and community development finance institutions to offer their products to a wider audience, increasing competitiveness and promoting financial inclusion.


BABB Unveils Hybrid Accounts to Promote Financial Inclusion and Tackle Social Inequalities

Through its all-in-one app that provides access to financial services, BABB is harnessing the power of cutting-edge technology to streamline and simplify the process of peer-to-peer transactions across borders.


Britain Seeks to Boost Banking Services From Fintechs

Britain plans to set up a new body over the next two years to encourage more competition in banking services through the use of third-party apps from fintech firms.


Mastercard Commits to Delivering Economic Empowerment Tools and Resources to More Than One Million Women in Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras

The commitments are part of Mastercard’s engagement, as a founding member, in the Partnership for Central America.


IFC Partners With Banco G&T Continental in Guatemala to Launch Its Climate Finance Business, Expand SME and Housing Finance

The $80 million-dollar funding will help G&T launch its climate finance business, a first in the country, focusing on financing green buildings and green housing projects.


IFC Supports Banco Agromercantil, BAM to Expand Financing for SMEs Affected by COVID-19, Helping Economic Recovery in Guatemala

More than 1000 micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Guatemala will have improved access to finance, as a result of a partnership between IFC and Banco Agromercantil.