All News and Announcements

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IFC and National Bank of Samoa Partner to Expand Financial Inclusion

The National Bank of Samoa (nbs) is developing a suite of new banking products that would benefit women entrepreneurs and improve remittances in Samoa with the support of IFC and the New Zealand Government.


Samoa’s First Parametric Microinsurance Product Launched to Cushion Impact of Climate Change

The product which was developed by the Pacific Insurance and Climate Adaptation Programme, will be piloted in Samoa over the next 12 months.


IFC and National Bank of Samoa to Boost SME Finance to Support Entrepreneurs and Create Jobs

International Finance Corporation will invest up to $4 million equivalent in Samoan Tala to boost access to finance for small and medium enterprises particularly women-led businesses and SMEs focused on agriculture.


Samoa’s New Digital Payment System to Boost Financial Inclusion and Support Economic Activity

The new national digital payment platform, the Samoa Automated Transfer System (SATS), is expected to increase access to the financial system for all Samoans.


Women Entrepreneurs With Microfinance Loans Face Lots of Challenges, With or Without a Pandemic

Microfinance-supported entrepreneurs have exhibited the same resourcefulness that has characterized many other small businesses during the pandemic. At the same time, they face a variety of ongoing challenges.


Aden Bank for Microfinance Is to Launch Its Operations and Contribute to Achieving Financial Inclusion

The bank will work in partnership with local banks and financial institutions using best practices in microfinance for provision of Islamic banking services, and will apply an integrated system of financial and non-financial services to support value and supply chains for MSMEs.


Launching the Pilot Phase of Eamar Microfinance as the First Digital Microfinance Platform in Yemen

The initiative aims to help clients and communities by providing blended financial and non-financial digital services including advisory services, training and more to assure ease of access to e-money and transfers for its customers.


YCASH Enrolls in New Partnerships with Humanitarian Agencies and Deploys Humanitarian Transfers Platform and a National Digital Wallet

The Humanitarian Transfers Platform enables humanitarian agencies to execute transfers directly to their interventions beneficiaries without a third party.


YCASH Door to Door Payment Method as a Response for COVID-19 and Humanitarian Context in Yemen

The National Cash Transfer Company piloted the Door to Door Payment method as a response to the new challenging context and a preventive measure for coronavirus-related risks.


Remittances Dropped by 80 Percent in Yemen

Cash transfers from Yemenis abroad to their country have declined by 80 percent in the first four months of 2020, Oxfam announced on Thursday.