All News and Announcements

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Quona Capital Sinking $332M Into Startups Focused on Financial Inclusion

The firm had its final close on $332 million in capital commitments for its Fund III, which invests in companies in Latin America, India, Southeast Asia, Africa and the Middle East.


Why Should WASH Matter to Impact Investors – New Publications From the e-MFP WASH Action Group

The WASH Action Group implemented a research study, the results of which e-MFP and Aqua for All are delighted to announce, are now available in three publications.


Luxembourg Becomes Ninth Contributor to UNCDF’s Last-Mile Finance Trust Fund (LMF-TF)

Contribution will be used to finance UNCDF’s BRIDGE Facility—the Finance Facility dedicated to the world’s 46 least developed countries (LDCs).


Symbiotics Launches Tameo, an Independent Spin-off Focusing on Enhancing Impact Funds With Support Services

The new company offers reference products to impact investors and fund managers, centered around research, impact and investment solutions.


IFC Initiative to Help Financial Institutions Support Small Businesses Disrupted by Pandemic

The new Base of the Pyramid Program will provide up to $400 million to microfinance institutions, non-bank financial institutions, and banks that are focused on micro, small, and medium enterprises.


Private Asset Impact Fund Ecosystem Worth Over $30 Billion

Symbiotics publishes its inaugural global impact fund survey, merging its historical microfinance investment vehicle survey, started with the CGAP in 2007, and its private debt impact fund survey, started with the Global Impact Investing Network in 2018.