Displaying 1 - 10 of 19

Remote Coaching to Prevent Dormancy Among Low-Income Savers

Research findings from Uganda sharing results from qualitative interviews with women who report greater sense of trust and relationship with the bank and improved saving behavior as a result of coaching.


Global COVID-19 Survey Report: Insights for Financial Inclusion

Findings on how the COVID-19 pandemic has impaired the quality of life of economically disadvantaged populations around the world


FINCA International Launches Emergency Response Fund for COVID-19

FINCA International mobilized to address the needs of the most vulnerable in the countries where it works, launching the FINCA Emergency Response Fund.


A Changing Landscape: What the 2017 Findex Tells Us About Mobile Money, Women’s Financial Inclusion and Savings in Vulnerable Households

Collection of four articles and a summary of key takeaways on the state of financial inclusion
Case Study

The Long Road to Branchless Banking: FINCA’s Experience Deploying Agency Banking in Africa

Ten lessons learned on strategic, operational and technical issues
Case Study

From Intentions to Outcomes: Indicators and Tools for Managing Social Performance

Case study on FINCA's process of creating and implementing a vision for social performance
Case Study

Expanding Access to Finance Through Mobile Payments: Lessons Learned for MFI-Mobile Network Operator Partnerships

Developing successful partnerships between MFIs and mobile network operators