
Law of the National Bank of the Republic of Georgia

Defining the Roles and Responsibilities of the National Bank of the Republic of Georgia
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This document presents the Law that regulates the National Bank of the Republic of Georgia. It lays down the following aspects of the Bank:

  • General provisions that highlight the laws regulating the Bank;
  • Tasks, functions and scope of its activities;
  • Relations with other central banks, international banks and organizations;
  • Organizational structure, governance and management;
  • Roles and responsibilities of the governing and management bodies;
  • Financial structuring and profit distribution guidelines;
  • Role of the Bank in implementation of the monetary policy for the country;
  • Regulation of currency and its circulation;
  • Regulation of exchange rate and management of international reserves;
  • Normative functions with regard to the banks and the banking system in the country;
  • Relations with other financial institutions and state bodies;
  • Accounting, auditing and reporting requirements;
  • Priority and special rights of the Bank;
  • Activities that the Bank is restricted from undertaking.

The Law also sets out the norms of administration that the National Bank would have to comply with. Finally, the document concludes with the definitions of terms used in the Law.

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