
The Road to Client Assessment: Travel Tips (Presentation)

The importance and process of client assessment
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This presentation discusses client assessment (CA) using travelling terminology. It identifies various stages in the trip and explains the features of each of these stages.

The presentation states that:

  • The destination/ rationale of CA is to address the following issues:
    • Market research to develop new products;
    • Client satisfaction for specific research work;
    • Understanding why clients leave a program.
  • The itinerary/client assessment objectives include:
    • Determining what the microfinance institution wants to understand about its clients;
    • The kind of CA work it wants to undertake.
  • Getting the passengers on board includes involving appropriate departments and people;
  • The travel cost includes:
    • Making sure the necessary finance is available;
    • Looking at cost as an investment;
    • Using external funds if necessary.
  • Choosing the right car for the trip includes choosing the right client assessment techniques;
  • Getting supplies/assessing human resources includes determining who will perform the functions of decision-making, supervising, etc;
  • Taking the trip/designing and implementing the research includes deciding:
    • The indicators to follow;
    • Collection and analysis of data.
  • Writing the travelogue/ reporting on the research work includes:
    • Identifying a need for information;
    • Determining the best method of communication.
  • Sending postcards includes communicating changes with clients and staff;
  • Reviewing the client assessment plan includes returning to the original plan, evaluating it and making necessary adjustments.

The presentation concludes by reiterating the importance of client assessment.

About this Publication

By Davis, A., Devaraj, S., Loupeda, C., Velasco, C.