
More Inclusive Finance for Youth: Scalable and Sustainable Delivery Models for Financial and Non-Financial Services

Designing scalable financial and non-financial services for youth

This report analyzes a variety of macro and micro level factors that can impact the scalability and sustainability of youth integrated services. It seeks to provide guidance to governments, donors, and financial service providers on a context-appropriate approach to offering both financial and non-financial services (NFS) to young people. The report compiles available information on scaling up financial products and also non-financial services, assesses the potential for long-term sustainability, and provides recommendations for the same. The analysis of the report is based on case studies of organizations that have been successful in providing financial services and NFS to youth. Key highlights of the report include:

  • Technology could play a major role in driving costs down of NFS and reaching an even greater scale;
  • Scale and sustainability can be achieved in some models through effective partnerships between the private sector, government authorities, and the public school system;
  • There is a major need for further financial evaluations of different types of youth integrated services, as well as the role of cross-sales to the adult networks of young clients;
  • Financial inclusion policies that foster product innovations need to consider how to make policies inclusive of young people.

About this Publication

By Ramírez, R.M.