
Access to Finance for Cocoa Farmers in Indonesia: Agribusiness Financing Facility Baseline Report

Data on hindrances to improved access to formal finance for cocoa producers
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This report provides quantitative data on the use of financial services and other access to finance data from participating farmers in the Agribusiness Financing Facility (AFF), a subcomponent of Swisscontact’s Sustainable Cocoa Production Program (SCPP). The objective of the AFF is to increase access to finance for cocoa farmers in Indonesia. Baseline data and first conclusions of the AFF are summarized in this report.

As a general conclusion, overall access to finance is still low for Cocoa Farmers. 26.78% of the farmers are financially included. 23.83% of the farmers have formal savings, while 7.16% have formal loans from both banks and cooperatives.

The report further provides assessment of bottlenecks and interventions for improved access to finance, looking into capacity building of farmers and financial institutions, loan eligibility of farmers, branchless banking, savings and other interventions.

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