
Promoting Inclusive Green Finance Initiative and Policies

Inclusive Green Finance (IGF) is gaining acceptance as an approach to addressing climate change, especially in developing countries. The 4P Framework of Promotion, Provision, Protection and Prevention aims to provide an intuitive way for financial regulators to consider the full range of policy actions for IGF. This first knowledge product seeks to deepen understanding of the first “P” — Promotion — by sharing the experiences of AFI members who have begun promoting IGF in their jurisdictions.

Promotion includes policies and initiatives that prepare and stimulate the private sector to offer financial services for green projects or related climate action, for example, through awareness raising, information sharing, capacity building, data collection and certain monetary policy actions. Promotion is the preparatory and framework development phase for action on IGF, but also includes critical, ongoing efforts that support the implementation of the other three pillars.

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By Tony Deary