All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 14

Financial Inclusion, Regulation, and Inclusive Growth in Ethiopia

Assessing factors responsible for poor growth of the financial sector in Ethiopia

2012 Financially Underserved Market Size Study

Examining financial products used by the financially underserved consumers in the United States

Investment Activity in FinTech for the Financially Underserved

Capturing investment activity in technology that improves financial access in the United States

Financial Technology Trends in the Underbanked Market

Highlighting emerging trends in technology that improve financial access in the United States
Case Study

Access to Finance in Ethiopia: Sector Assessment Study (Volume 2)

Recommendations on the way forward to improve Access to Finance in Ethiopia

Corporate Governance of the Deposit Taking Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) in Ethiopia

Paper from the AFRACA Workshop on "Optimizing Financial Service Delivery to Rural Areas", Benin

CRA Ratings of Massachusetts Banks and Credit Unions in 2004

A listing and analysis of Community Reinvestment Act ratings of Massachusetts banks and credit

Successes in Expanding Microfinance Opportunities in Rural Ethiopia - Where There is Little Entrepreneurship?

This paper emphasizes the role of microfinance in poverty alleviation

International NGOs and Poverty Reduction Strategies: The Contribution of an Asset-Based Approach

Examining poverty alleviation strategies of international NGOs

Ethiopia: Microfinance Country Scan

The document presents an overview of the current state of the Ethiopian microfinance sector