All Publications

Showing 1 - 7 of 7

Financial Inclusion: Improving the Financial Health of the Nation

Examining the level of financial inclusion in the United Kingdom

Survey on the Access to Finance of SMEs in the Euro Area: September 2010 To February 2011

Presenting findings on European small and medium enterprises

International NGOs and Poverty Reduction Strategies: The Contribution of an Asset-Based Approach

Examining poverty alleviation strategies of international NGOs
Case Study

Financial Inclusion Services Research

An assessment of the extent of sustainable services delivery by CDFI to financially excluded people

The Microfinance and Self-employment Environment for the Socially Excluded: Country Report United Kingdom

An assessment of UK as an appropriate context for self-employment and microenterprises

Kept Out or Opted Out? Understanding and Combating Financial Exclusion

Undertsanding the extent and nature of financial exclusion

Micro-lending for Enterprise in the UK

Does microfinance meet the needs of micro-entrepreneurs in the UK?