All Publications

Showing 1 - 9 of 9

Financial Inclusion of Bharat: Insights Into People, Markets and Startups

This book highlights chosen insights in four themes: human stories of real people from the target Bharat customer segment; data-backed inferences predominantly from research fellowships; observations and lessons from and about startups building inclusive fintech solutions; and inputs on UI/UX design.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) Is Changing the Financial Sector

This factsheet shares the German government's AI approach, which stipulates that the potential of AI should be harnessed for development and contribute to achieving the sustainability goals of the 2030 Agenda.


Data Protection in the Financial Sector

This factsheet urges the private and public providers to promote initiatives that improve data protection and regulation mechanisms through training and customer information tools. 


Digital Payment Transactions

This factsheet argues for the need of active design and cooperation for inclusive payment transactions and makes related recommendations for stakeholders in international development cooperation.


Financial Inclusion With Blockchain

This factsheet highlights the current challenges involved in widespread implementation of Blockchain technology and offers recommendations for stakeholders in international development cooperation.


IT and Cybersecurity in the Financial Sector

This factsheet shares the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development's and German development cooperation's intentions and calls for actions for combating cybercrime in emerging economies.


SME Finance Responses to COVID-19 in AFI Member Countries

What measures are governments taking to mitigate and recover from the pandemic?

Young Entrepreneurs in Sub-Saharan Africa

Innovative approaches by Ugandan microfinance institutions to reach out to young entrepreneurs