Showing 1 - 10 of 16

ADB Lends $15M to KMF to Boost Financial Inclusion for MSMEs, Post-COVID Growth in Kazakhstan

The loan is intended to boost its services to micro-, small, and medium-sized enterprises – especially in rural areas – to “improve financial inclusion and contribute to Kazakhstan’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.”


IFC, National Bank of Iraq Partner to Boost Access to Finance for SMEs, Create Jobs

IFC announced an investment for the National Bank of Iraq to support the growth of smaller businesses in Iraq and help them create jobs and overcome challenges, including from COVID-19-related disruptions.


Nigeria: Richway Microfinance Bank Wins Best SME Support Bank of the Year 2021 Award

Richway beat a host of other banks at the International Standards Excellence Award 2021, to take home the Award for performing exceptionally in a tumultuous year characterized by the negative impacts of COVID-19 pandemic.


Final Report on SME Finance Loans for Growth Impact Showcases the Results of a Four-Year Collaboration Between Symbiotics, UBS and SECO

The fourth and final SME Finance Loans for Growth (LFG) impact report shows how SMEs in emerging and frontier markets benefit from access to finance, as well as how they were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.


EIB Backs Palestinian Startups With a $50 Million Line of Credit to Bank of Palestine

The European Investment Bank (EIB) extended a $50 million line of credit to Bank of Palestine to support the resilience of the Palestinian private sector through on-lending to local SMEs, as part of Team Europe’s overall response to the Covid-19 crisis.


World Bank Approves $450 Million Loan to Help Morocco Improve Access to Financial Services

The financing is part of a program that supports policy measures to enable the rollout of the country’s social protection program, including the creation of digital IDs and cashless payments as part of cash transfer programs.


IFC and KMF to Help Micro and Small Entrepreneurs in Kazakhstan Weather the Impact of COVID-19

Micro and small enterprises (MSEs) in Kazakhstan stand to benefit from a new investment which aims to help businesses recover from the economic shock of the COVID-19 pandemic, resume operations, and adapt to the post-crisis environment.


Africa: IFC Announces $2 B Investment in SMEs and Trade to Support Recovery From COVID-19

The $2 billion IFC commitment will support the continent's economic recovery from the pandemic by sustaining and creating jobs and business activity.


IFC Provides $30M to BRAC Bank to Support Businesses During COVID-19

The investment will help to keep small and medium-sized enterprises open and preserve jobs, which is critical to sustaining the Bangladeshi economy.


IFC, Banco Daycoval Support Smaller Businesses, Including Those Owned by Women, in Brazil

The financing package consists of $130 million from IFC's own-account and a $270 million syndicated loan from a group of 10 banks.