Displaying 491 - 498 of 498

Saving Across the World: Puzzles and Policies

Examines divergent trends in people's savings habits around the world

CCIC Learning Circle on Micro-Enterprise Development Report on the Second Workshop

Proceedings from CCIC Learning Circle's Second Workshop Report on Microenterprise Development

Are Credit and Savings Services Effective Against Hunger and Malnutrition?: A Literature Review and Analysis

Stimulating new thinking and practices to reduce chronic hunger and malnutrition

From Ends to Means: Savings and Credit as a Means to Community Mobilisation, People's Power and Housing Finance

People’'s Dialogue Report of “ACHR/TAP Workshop, Bombay”, 25 Sept-19 Oct 1996, Bombay, India

Safeguarding Deposits: Learning from Experience

How can deposits remain secure in times of financial crisis?

Developing Financial Institutions for the Poor and Reducing Barriers to Access for Women

Have financial services succeeded in reaching the poor, especially poor women?