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FinDev Blog

Responsible Equity Exits: Lessons From Cambodia

What can impact investors learn from Taylor Swift? Ensure their investments end up in good hands when it's time to sell.
FinDev Blog

Financial Inclusion in the Wake of the Pandemic

While poor and women borrowers suffered the most, they also benefited the most from gaining access to financial services, according to a survey of Triple Jump's partners.
FinDev Blog

Will the Pandemic Exacerbate or Mitigate the Digital Gender Gap?

COVID-19’s disproportionate impact on women must be urgently addressed through the provision of digital financial literacy and access.
FinDev Blog

Can Cash Transfers to Digital Wallets Be a Lifeline During the Pandemic?

BRAC's experience in Bangladesh shows how digital wallets can act as a tool to include low-income households, especially women, in the financial system.
FinDev Blog

A Is for Agriculture

The A-Card is a new business model helping smallholders in Bangladesh gain access to finance through a digitized four-way linkage between farmers, banks, MFIs and agricultural input retailers. CARE shares how it works and their lessons learned. 
FinDev Blog

Discovering the Promise of Social Franchising

What if the franchise was turned into a tool to solve developing world problems?