Core Indicators to Measure Financial Health and Inclusion
The aim of this guidance is to facilitate the processes of target setting, action plan design and reporting for banks that have chosen financial health and/or financial inclusion as one of their areas of significant impact. The guidance in this publication is based on discussions and work undertaken by the Principles of Responsible Banking (PRB) Working Group on Financial Health and Inclusion. In collaboration with experts, civil society organizations and academia, the group has agreed on definitions and a combined pathway to impact. The group has also agreed on the core indicators which will serve as a common language to guide good practices in the community of PRB signatories, measure progress, and foster active collaboration to drive results for people and planet.
This Framework has been designed to ensure that all signatory banks, regardless of geography and size, can consider and understand the opportunities to drive improved financial inclusion and financial health for their customers. It is crucial that banks understand the key components and areas of potential focus that can enable improved outcomes, ensuring financial products and services are available and accessible for individuals, entrepreneurs, and organizations, especially those who are considered vulnerable and/or with protected characteristics.