Case Study

ICMC and Project Enterprise Bosnia and Herzegovina

Measuring the impact of a microlending program
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This paper reports the findings and implications of the impact survey carried out by ICMC and Mercy Corps Scottish European Aid (MC/SEA) in Bosnia and Herzegovina. With the purpose of improving the program, the survey measured the impact of the microlending program - Project Enterprise (PE) against the following expected hypotheses:

  • The program strategy is effective in reaching its target group;
  • There is an increase in the household wellbeing;
  • There is an improvement in the business.

The paper further describes the survey methodology and the sampling scheme. The survey reports findings on the following parameters:

  • Program perception by clients;
  • Descriptor information;
  • Impacts resulting from the project in terms of incomes, expenditures, savings, household well-being and improvement in business.

Finally the document makes the following key recommendations to improve the program:

  • Replicate the survey in other project areas;
  • Re-examine outreach and parameters of PE;
  • Pair the survey with a more qualitative tool;
  • Explore the issue of loan fungibility for development of newer products or services;
  • Reinforce monitoring of loan use after loan disbursement;
  • Introduce loan officer training on monitoring;
  • Monitor closely the products and services for further improvements.

About this Publication

By Tsilikounas, C.