
Andhra Pradesh Mutually Aided Cooperative Societies Act 1995

An Act to provide for the voluntary formation of cooperative societies in Andhra Pradesh, India
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This enactment was the final step in an effort to create a new legislative environment for cooperatives in Andhra Pradesh.

The Act provides for the voluntary formation of cooperative societies as accountable, competitive, self reliant business enterprises, based on thrift, self-help and mutual aid and managed and controlled by members for their economic and social betterment and other matters connected.

The Directive also lists:

  • Principles of cooperation for framing bylaws by cooperative societies;
  • Registration requirements, display of name, bylaws;
  • Provisions relating to change of liability, transfer of assets and liabilities, division, amalgamation;
  • Laws for promotion of subsidiary organization;
  • Laws for fund related activities;
  • Eligibility requirements for membership.

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