
Global Financial Inclusion and Consumer Protection Survey: 2017 Report

Main survey findings on the enabling environment in 141 economies

The 2017 Global Financial Inclusion and Consumer Protection (FICP) Survey provides a global data source to benchmark efforts by financial sector authorities to improve the enabling environment for financial inclusion and financial consumer protection. It tracks the prevalence of key policy, legal, regulatory, and supervisory approaches to advancing financial inclusion and consumer protection.

This report presents main findings from financial sector authorities in 124 jurisdictions, representing 141 economies and more than 90% of the world’s unbanked adult population. The survey covers key topics related to the enabling environment for financial inclusion and financial consumer protection, including national financial inclusion strategies, the issuance of e-money by nonbanks, agent-based delivery models, simplified customer due diligence, institutional arrangements for financial consumer protection, disclosure, dispute resolution, and financial capability.

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