
Migration and Remittances: Recent Developments and Outlook

Update on global trends in migration and remittance flows and forecast for the future

This Migration and Development Brief provides updates on global trends in migration and remittances and validates the projections made in the 2018 Migration and Remittances Brief. It highlights developments related to migration-related Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) indicators for which the World Bank is a custodian:

  • Increasing the volume of remittances as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) (SDG indicator 17.3.2).
  • Reducing remittance costs (SDG indicator 10.c.1).
  • Reducing recruitment costs for migrant workers (SDG indicator 10.7.1).

It also presents recent developments on the Global Compact on Migration (GCM).

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By Dilip Ratha, Supriyo De, Eung Ju Kim, Ganesh Seshan, Nadege Desiree Yameogo, Sonia Plaza