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Leveraging Technology for Meaningful Financial Inclusion in Asia

What opportunities does fintech present for potential providers and customers?
Case Study

Integration of Waqf and Islamic Microfinance for Poverty Reduction: Case Studies of Malaysia, Indonesia, and Bangladesh

Validating the efficiency of an Integrated Waqf-based Islamic Microfinance model

Determinants of Microcredit Loans Repayment Problem Among Microfinance Borrowers in Malaysia

How can MFIs in Malaysia handle loan repayment problems among their clients?

The Malaysian Microfinance System and a Comparison with the Grameen Bank (Bangladesh) and Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR-Indonesia)

How do Malaysian MFIs differ from successful MFIs in other countries?

The Socioeconomic Impact of Mobile Financial Services: Analysis of Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Serbia and Malaysia

Examining impact of mobile financial services on social and financial inclusion

An Inter-Country Survey of the Relative Costs of Bank Accounts

How does South Africa fare in the area of transactional banking?

Outreach and Sustainability of Rural Microfinance in Asia: Observations and Recommendations

Can microfinance institutions combine poverty outreach with institutional viability?

Effects on Microfinance of the 1997-98 Asian Financial Crisis

What are the impacts of the 1997 Asian financial crisis on microfinance institutions in the region?