All Publications

Showing 1 - 8 of 8

2012 Eastern Europe and Central Asia Regional Snapshot

Examining microfinance in Eastern Europe and Central Asia during 2012

Microcrediting in Bosnia and Herzegovina: What Went Wrong?

Analyzing the microcredit sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Informalisation of the BiH Economy and the Role of the Microfinance Model

For the Economic Policy Research Unit Seminar "“Balkan economies: Studies on Non-Standard Phenomena”

MIX 2005 Bosnia Herzegovina Case Study


Microcredit Organizations and Savings Mobilization in Bosnia and Herzegovina: An Assessment for USAID

Will the transformation of microcredit organizations into deposit-taking organizations help growth?

The Growth of Commercial Microfinance Opportunities in Eastern Europe and the New Independent States

What impeded the growth of microfinance in Eastern Europe and the New Independent States?

Synthesis Report on the AIMS/MFC Impact Assessment Project

Learning the usage of impact assessment tools