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Showing 1 - 6 of 6

Big Data: A Big Disappointment for Scoring Consumer Credit Risk

Evaluating the promise of big data to lead to better products/services for the unbanked/underbanked

Cracking the Nut 2011: Overcoming Obstacles to Rural and Agricultural Finance

Proceedings from “Cracking the Nut 2011: Overcoming Obstacles to Rural and Agricultural Finance”

The Future of Risk Management in Microfinance: Perspectives from Practitioners in the US Financial Markets

What can the microfinance industry learn from the U.S. mortgage market crisis?

Credit Scoring for Microenterprise Lenders

What role might credit scoring play in the U.S. microlending field?

The Role of Credit Scoring in Small Business Lending

Credit Scoring: Inferences from survey in United States and Japan