All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 117
Case Study

Insuring Women in Sri Lanka with AIA Insurance Lanka Limited

This case study explores how AIA Sri Lanka remained resilient and dedicated to becoming the preferred life insurer for women, at a time when addressing the gender protection gap was more needed than ever. 

Case Study

How Providers Can Build Products That Improve Financial Health: Examples From Mexico and Chile

This paper shares the key challenges, learnings, and overall results from five case studies in Chile and Mexico, uncovering best practices on how to design for and influence financial health.


Gendered Impacts of COVID-19 on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Sri Lanka

Findings from a survey and interviews with SME clients of financial institutions

Case Study

Supporting "Generation Start-up": Opportunities for Microfinance Institutions

Taking stock of the general start-up ecosystem and the potential role of microfinance

The Landscape of Microinsurance in Sri Lanka 2016

Analysis of the microinsurance sector with data from 2013 to 2015

Microfinance Sector in Sri Lanka: Opportunities and Growth Strategies

A starting vantage point for stakeholders to study the country's microfinance sector
Case Study

Catalyzing Inclusive Financial Systems: Chile’s Commitment to Women’s Data

Valuable lessons on collecting and using sex-disaggregated data in the financial sector

Promoting Social Inclusion of the Extreme Poor at Scale: Evidence from Developing Countries

Alleviating extreme poverty through social inclusion programs

Hatton National Bank - Sri Lanka: Project Results & Lessons

Resource from the Agriculture Finance Support Facility (AgriFin)