All Publications

Showing 1 - 6 of 6

Client Outcomes Report: 2014-2016

Evaluating the impact of Friendship Bridge's microcredit plus program in Guatemala

Making a Difference: 2013 Impact Report

Impact evaluation and client segmentation of Friendship Bridge's programs in Guatemala

Microfinance and Home Improvement: Using Retrospective Panel Data to Measure Program Effects on Fundamental Events

Measuring welfare changes associated with development programs

Microfinance and Social Impact in Post-Conflict Environments

Can microfinance rebuild communities in post-conflict environments where social ties have eroded?

Tracking the Progress of 239 Microcredit Program Participants in Guatemala: 1994-1999

Analyzing long-term patterns of development among microcredit borrowers

The Effect of Microenterprise Lending on Child Schooling in Guatemala

Does access to credit affect child schooling decisions in the Guatemalan households?