All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 15

Establishing a Financial Services Ombudsman in Mongolia: Experiences and Lessons From Armenia, Australia, and Singapore

This paper shares insights from three long-standing financial alternative dispute resolution systems in Armenia, Australia, and Singapore with a goal to help strengthen financial consumer protection in Mongolia and other countries.


Making Women’s Work Visible: Finance for Rural Women

Designing financial products and services for rural women

Financial Inclusion and Microfinance: On the Cases of ODA and Analysis of the Poverty Reduction Effect

Developing microfinance official development assistance projects for poverty reduction in Korea

Growing Potential: Microfinance-Plus Approaches for Cultivating the New Generation of Young Clients

Paper presented at the 2011 Global Microcredit Summit, November 14-17, 2011, Valladolid, Spain

Moral Hazard, Peer Monitoring, and Microcredit: Field Experimental Evidence from Paraguay

Is there a link between peer monitoring and group loan performance?

From the Margins to the Mainstream: The Challenges for Microfinance in Australia

Developing the microfinance sector in Australia

Microfinance: Development as Freedom

Paper presented at the 'Financial Literacy, Banking and Identity Conference', Melbourne, 2006

Australian Aid: Approaches to Microfinance and Enterprise Development

AusAid's approach to building a stronger worldwide microfinance industry

AusAID Regional Microfinance Support Facility

How can Australia step up its support to microfinance?

Intrahousehold Effects of Non-Price Credit Rationing

Can credit-based conflict between spouses affect the well being of the household?