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Carping Critics and the Microfinance Conundrum

Based on its recent impact assessment study of Cambodian microfinance, M-CRIL has written two advisory notes which examine the validity of some of the sensational international headlines and propose reform measures for the sector.


Promoting Sustainable and Responsible Finance in Cambodia Through the Cambodian Microfinance Association

This document provides a comprehensive overview of ADA’s support for the development of the Cambodian microfinance sector from 2008 to 2022, including key results, lessons learnt and impact.


Trapped in the Service of Debt: How the Burdens of Repayment Are Fueling the Health Poverty Trap in Rural Cambodia

This Cambodia-focused report evidences how household debt is manifesting as a public health crisis that is fueling the health poverty trap in rural Cambodia.

Case Study

Outlawing Flat Interest in Cambodia

Achieving pricing transparency in Cambodian microfinance