All Publications

Showing 1 - 7 of 7
Case Study

U.S. Microfinance: Small Loans, Big Results

Measuring the impact of microloan programs of Opportunity Fund and Accion

Incubating Microfinance: The Texas Border Experience

Measuring the impact of microfinance on the local economy of Texas

Desktop Study: SMEs and Poverty Reduction

Can the development of small and medium enterprises bring about poverty reduction?

Analysis of the Effects of Microfinance on Poverty Reduction

Examining the effectiveness of microfinance programs in reaching the poorest

Cost Benefit Analysis Applied to Micro Credit Program Evaluation

Can Cost Benefit Analysis be used for impact assessment?

Microenterprise in the Heartland: Self-Employment as a Self-Sufficiency Strategy for TANF Recipients in Iowa, 1993-1998

How successful is microenterprise as a strategy to remove people from welfare in the USA?

The Impact of Outcome-based Assessment on Microenterprise Programs

What are the institutional effects of outcome based assessment in the US?