Showing 1 - 10 of 33 results
COP Webinar

Tools Workshop: Gender-Intelligent Design

In this workshop, FinEquity, FAW, and RISE explored how gender-intelligent design can play a meaningful role in advancing women’s financial inclusion.

COP Webinar

Tools Clinic: Using Financial Diaries to Develop Products for Women

This clinic examined how financial service providers (FSPs) can use financial diaries research to design and improve product offerings for women.

COP Webinar

Design in Action - What Does Gender-Intelligent Consumer Protection Look Like?

The third workshop of the ‘Design in Action’ series explored the importance of consumer protection that is designed to meet women’s financial needs. 

COP Webinar

Tools Workshop: How to Advance Gender Diversity and Leadership in Financial Services

This workshop featured one of the key tools from FinEquity's resource guide on gender diversity and leadership.

COP Webinar

Design in Action – How Do You Design a Heuristic-Based Financial Training to Improve Women’s Entrepreneurship?

This second webinar in the ‘Design in Action’ series focused on the work done by the World Bank's Africa Gender Innovation Lab and ideas42 to design financial heuristics for rural women in Ethiopia and to pilot mobile-phone based financial training for women. 

COP Webinar

How to Measure Women's Economic Empowerment (WEE) in Financial Inclusion

This webinar discussed the development of a core set of indicators to measure Women's Economic Empowerment (WEE) within financial inclusion (FI) programs and initiatives to help stakeholders better understand the outcomes of FI on women. 

COP Webinar

#FinEquity2023 Annual Meeting

Our #FinEquity2023  Annual Meeting of the global FinEquity community convened by CGAP brought participants together to talk about why and how a relentless focus on women is needed in times of increasing climatic stress—women are the first victims of climate change, and they have a crucial part to play in a fairer climate transition.   

COP Webinar

Understanding the Women’s Market Through Gender Data and Analysis

This workshop gave us the opportunity to dig into a few resources featured in our recent Gender Data and Analysis Guide. We were joined by the Financial Alliance for Women, a network of financial organizations dedicated to championing the female economy, advocates for focusing on the women’s market by quantifying the market opportunity and financial benefits for financial service providers in, Global Business Case Tool for Financial Services Providers. We also heard examples of how good gender data and analysis can help FSPs to understand the women’s market and to understand whether they are achieving product goals related to outreach and usage.

External Webinar

Diagnosing Gender Norms in Financial Inclusion – What Are We Learning?

This dynamic webinar gave us a chance to hear from the participants of our CoLab as they share lessons learned about how to diagnose gender norms, their findings and how they plan to use these findings in their own effort to advance women’s financial inclusion and economic empowerment. 

COP Webinar

Design in Action

FinEquity’s Catherine Highet spoke with Kiran Agarwal Todi of Ashv in India and Nirza Fumo of Women in Business (WIN) in Mozambique, discussing their use of gender-intelligent design to shape financial services to better suit women’s needs. This interactive conversation focused on the design process, iteration and adaption and measuring impact, looking at the approaches that these organizations are taking.