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FinDev Blog

India’s Digital Divide Threatens the Progress of Financial Inclusion

There are three key challenges that need to be addressed to fulfill the promise of India's much-lauded digital public infrastructure, as mobile phones and internet access remain inaccessible for a significant segment of the population.
FinDev Blog

Bringing Agent Banking to Rural Women’s Self-Help Groups in India

While the spread of agent networks throughout rural India has helped bring banking to many people’s doorsteps, this type of service was inaccessible for informal groups until the recent spread of a new technical solution called Dual Authentication.
FinDev Blog

What Findex 2021 Tells Us About Financial Inclusion in India

Digital financial services are helping drive financial inclusion, but infrastructural barriers remain.
FinDev Blog

Incentives for Small Retailers to Climb the Modernization and Digitization Ladder

Lessons from traditional small-scale shopkeepers in Mexico on finding incentives beyond business education and cash provision
FinDev Blog

Will the Pandemic Exacerbate or Mitigate the Digital Gender Gap?

COVID-19’s disproportionate impact on women must be urgently addressed through the provision of digital financial literacy and access.
FinDev Blog

Financial Inclusion Via Sea Cable

Greater connectivity has the potential to advance digital finance in the Pacific islands, but governments and development partners will need to provide significant support.
FinDev Blog

Can Cash Transfers to Digital Wallets Be a Lifeline During the Pandemic?

BRAC's experience in Bangladesh shows how digital wallets can act as a tool to include low-income households, especially women, in the financial system.
FinDev Blog

The Gender Gap is Wide. Which FinTechs Are Working to Narrow It?

A new Female-Focused Fintech Prize aims to connect and bring attention to fintech products working for women.
FinDev Blog

A Is for Agriculture

The A-Card is a new business model helping smallholders in Bangladesh gain access to finance through a digitized four-way linkage between farmers, banks, MFIs and agricultural input retailers. CARE shares how it works and their lessons learned. 
FinDev Blog

Three Steps for Closing India’s Gender Gap in Digital Financial Services

Grameen Foundation India shares how they are working on the first step of improving women’s digital financial literacy.