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FinDev Blog

Towards a More Sustainable Livelihood for Business Correspondent Agents

A new pilot explores the possibilities for agents in rural India to include assisted e-commerce among the services they offer.
FinDev Blog

What Findex 2021 Tells Us About Financial Inclusion in India

Digital financial services are helping drive financial inclusion, but infrastructural barriers remain.
FinDev Blog

WhatsApp Helps Small Businesses Get Back on Their Feet After the Pandemic

Business support organizations in Brazil and Peru share how they used this digital tool to build entrepreneur communities and capacity.
FinDev Blog

Incentives for Small Retailers to Climb the Modernization and Digitization Ladder

Lessons from traditional small-scale shopkeepers in Mexico on finding incentives beyond business education and cash provision
FinDev Interview

Women in Haiti Become Community Health Entrepreneurs

In this FinDev interview, Carine Roenen of Fonkoze shares the story of their healthcare program, Boutik Santé, winner of the 2021 European Microfinance Award. 
FinDev Blog

Meet Ivy the Innovator and Charlie the Copycat on Their Journey to Financial Inclusion

Understanding how different consumer behaviors affect adoption rates can help financial inclusion practitioners fine-tune their efforts.
FinDev Blog

Detecting Borrower Distress

There is an urgent need in India and globally to design policies to prevent over-indebtedness. But first, it must be measured. A new framework for monitoring credit markets proposes how.
FinDev Interview

What the Pandemic Taught Us About Savings

Muktinath Bikas Bank offers eight different savings products, specially designed for rural and low-income people in Nepal. The 2020 European Microfinance Award winner shares their experience with savings from before and during the pandemic.
FinDev Blog

Catalyzing Women's Bank Account Use Through COVID-19 Relief

Women's World Banking partnered with a major public sector bank in India to see what effect the government's COVID-19 payments had on women's account activity. 
FinDev Blog

Women As Changemakers Improve Access to Water and Sanitation

How does women’s participation in household investment decisions accelerate access to quality water and sanitation services?