Welcome to our Recap of #FinEquity 2020, our annual event held virtually this year on November 10 & 11, 2020. We hope you enjoy these videos and slides and look forward to connecting with you again soon.
FinEquity Plenary (Slides)
FinEquity Member Shares, hosted by Katie Highet Technology Lead at FinEquity (Slides)
Member-led Peer Learning Sessions:
Social Media & Commerce, A New Path to Women’s Entrepreneurship (Slides)
- Stephen Morrison, Dalberg Design, and Yamin Bin-Humam, CGAP
How Do We Make Women Co-Builders of the Digital Economies? (Slides)
- Nandini Harihareswara, UNCDF Lead Focal Point on Gender Equality
Strategic Impact Advisors, Hey Sister, Show Me the Mobile Money (Slides)
- Shelly Spencer, CEO, Strategic Impact Advisors
- Wisdom Alorwuse, Africa Lead, Strategic Impact Advisors
- Sophie Romana, Consultant, Strategic Impact Advisors
- Sandra Abrokwa Owusu-Kyerematen, Ghana Country, Director Viamo
Derribando barreras para la inclusión financiera de la mujer en ALC: ¿Qué sabemos y qué podemos comenzar a resolver hoy?
- Visit the #FinEquityALC2020 page for videos and slides from the event.
Pandemic in Asia: Women’s Digital Financial Services Adoption and Resilience
Held in partnership with MSC
Welcome and Rapid Insights (Slides)
Women's DFS use during COVID19 (Slides)
Welcome, Recap of Day 1 and Presentation of the New FinEquity Learning Agenda (Slides)
Member Shares, hosted by Nisha Singh, FinEquity Social Norms Technical Lead for FinEquity (Slides)