
Enhancing the Resilience of Microfinance Institutions and Programs: Lessons Learned from the Asian Financial Crisis

How do microfinance institutions overcome a macro economic financial crisis?
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This paper discusses the Asian Financial crisis and lessons learned from it. It discusses in detail:

  • The challenges Asian countries faced during the crisis;
  • The policy framework of these countries;
  • Macro-level reforms of the policy and legal framework, with focus on Indonesia;
  • The pitfalls of deregulation without supervision;
  • The origin, development and infrastructure of microfinance in Indonesia;
  • The experience of the Philippines.

The paper presents evidence form selected Asian countries to show that:

  • Microfinance, on the whole, has weathered the crisis well, especially in Indonesia;
  • Demand for, and supply of, micro-credit has been largely unaffected.

The paper finds that the resilience of microfinance can be attributed to the following factors:

  • The institutional autonomy and self-reliance of microfinance institutions (MFIs);
  • Deregulation of interest rates, institutional liberalization, the provision of appropriate legal forms for MFIs, prudential regulation and effective supervision.

The paper recommends that in times of crisis:

  • Governments should:
    • Provide an adequate policy and legal environment;
    • Assist MFIs in building their own networks.
  • Donors should focus on:
    • Strengthening the institutional autonomy of MFIs;
    • Building apex organizations of MFIs;
    • Preventing unnecessary government interventions.

The paper concludes with special suggestions with regard to Indonesia.

About this Publication

By Seibel, H.D.